A Special gift this Easter '19

One morning in my quiet time, it was mid March, I received this childish excitement about Easter this year. I mean every time I thought about Easter I couldn't help but smile and changed whatever mood I was in. I asked Dad what this was all about, and He said He is going to do something for me I've never been able to do; He is going to help me stop biting my finger nails.

To bring you up to speed, I've bit my nails for as long as I can remember. I was told it's a sign of weakness and this nasty habit has been a root of pain, shame and failure most of my life.  Through the years I've tried to stop biting them and failed so many times using so every means thought of, and  each ending in utter failure.  About 5 years ago I finally gave up, gave in and accepted this was a part of me, a character flaw and quit trying to hide my source of shame.  I owned it and didn't try to hide my nails. I'm not saying it didn't suck anymore when people noticed, I just stopped caring what they thought.  So when God whispered "HE" is going to end this habit in my life it really caught me off-guard. This had not been on my prayer list for some time now, and made my heart and spirit jump for joy.  I asked Him how He was going to do this, and He whispered back, "just think of Me anytime you are about to bite or pick at them and I will take care of the rest."  I remember thinking that was a little too simple, but okay, I'm in. 

Through the next month His plan unfolded just as He described; as a desire to bite them came on me He would remind me to think of Him and the desire went away.  What was impossible for me to do in my own strength throughout my life, the constant reminder of my failures, His love cleansed and restored.  A giant in my life has fallen, and it feels like it wasn't even a fight.

So why now Lord God?  This was a prayer request of mine for a good part of my life, but not in recent years. I know You heard every prayer, why now?
It's wild, I didn't hear a definitive answer to this question, just a feeling the timing for Him to answer this prayer has come. That it is important for me to walk in this next season He has for me without the shame and constant reminder of failure so I can walk in a deeper confidence in Him, His Ways, His Love and trust His timing.

I hope and trust this brings hope to anyone reading. He loves you, He hears your prayers and will respond in His perfect timing. In the meantime, allow yourself to receive His love, love yourself despite your faults, and love and pray for others despite their faults.


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